Saw the ads for this bag pretty much everywhere and had no intention of getting it since I was shopping on a budget. But the hubby was with me who got me more than what I planned and so we exceeded the minimum purchase required ;p

The tag says it has a comparable value of $65.00. They do not sell the bags and were only available last Black Friday. Since they were out for a limited time, some people are now selling it off at ebay - no big surprise there.

Other than the Cherry Bomb Lip Gloss, Dream Angels Heavenly Eau de Parfum and Love Spell® Splash, it also came with a Secret Reward Card and a $10 off coupon.

The Secret Reward is worth $10 or $50 or $100 or $500 off the next purchase. Each card is worth at least $10. Thousands are worth $100 or more. But it's not revealed until December 1 when presented at checkout. (Cross my fingers and hope mine is one of the thousands worth $100 or more ;D )

$9 Sale this Friday! (You're among the first to know!)

All tees will be $9 for 24 hours only (Starts 11/27 12:01 am CT, ends 11/27 11:59 pm CT)*! So make sure you've got all your holiday gift choices all lined up and ready to go, fire up the Internet early in the mornin', and let the deals begin!

All tees will be $9, woohoo! So whether you are in Manila or US, you can avail this awesome offer since the sale applies to online orders ;o)

Back in Manila, I would order several shirts online (only when on sale haha), pay with Amex then send it to a friend or relative in the US hehe ;p Then from there I'll just figure out a way to pick up the shirts when I go to the US or just wait till a friend or relative goes back to Manila :D

Their shirts/longsleeves/onesies are perfect gifts for yourself, family, friends and relatives :)

Don't forget the shirt designed by our fellow pinoy, Aj Dimarucot in your checkout cart:

And as for the rest of my threadless wishlist:

Certain nights call for a good drink to be enjoyed at home sans the unnecessary noise from strangers when drinking in a public place and the major effort in dressing up. And for women like me who prefers their drinks strong (like their men ;p), I always opt for cocktails or wine than beer. Thus, I thought of sharing some mixes that anyone can do at the comfort of their own home.

These two are a perfect combination:

You don't need bartender skills to mix this two. Just estimate a 1:3 or 1:4 ratio of Skyy Citrus Vodka and Cherry 7UP according to how strong you want your drink.

And lastly, drink responsibly :) Nobody likes a drunkard. Cheers!

Got my free coffee beans last week! :)

It's not too late to get yours :) Check my post here to see how:
I hope not to miss this one! I still couldn't forgive myself for missing Commes des Garcons for H&M last year *sniff sniff*

H&M is launching Jimmy Choo for H&M on November 14th (Saturday). There are very strict rules for shopping on the first day since they are expecting a crowd. Read the how to here: JIMMY CHOO for H&M.

Here are my personal faves from the collection overview :)

Ladies Shoes

Ladies Clothes

Ladies Bags



Another day, another freebie ;o) Offer is open to US residents.

What are you waiting for? Click! Click! Click! on the banner below ;p