a lot of people have been abstaining on certain things because it's lent. but am goin the opposite direction. i will try to do more :)

i will try to go to church more often and do my best not to miss sunday mass

(photo taken at an old church in the Philippines)

prepare a good breakfast (and maybe dinner) as often as i can

and spend more time with loved ones than in front of the computer ;p

8 Responses
  1. Din Says:

    spending less time in front of the computer is definitely a challange. haha.

  2. haha i know! :p but imma look at the challenge in the eye and say i can do this! :p just for lent though hehe

  3. RHiAN Says:

    i agree with din haha
    anyway i'm a new follower...
    thanks for the comment you had left on my blog.. hope you can follow me back :) i folliwed you in twitter also

  4. haha! yeah, what'll we do without coomputers :p thanks rhiian :)

  5. Marisa Says:

    i love those pancakes!!



  6. oh yeah they are really gooood :D

  7. Sammy-B Says:

    facebook i think! and to actually do some work... and the brekfast thing is the same for me i never have it!
    although them pancakes look amazing!
    love sammy

  8. haha i agree :p gotta do some more work and avoid distractions like facebook :D